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Superman Jokes 🦸‍♂️ in 2025

– I hope they cast a black Superman. It would nice for a brother to finally be faster than a speeding bullet.
Credits:Someones Tweet

Everyone knows that Superman’s Dad is Jor-El, but his germophobic uncle is relatively unknown.

When does Superman sleep?
-At Krypto-night.

Did you hear that Superman is going out with a woman who swallows jewellery?
-I don’t know what he sees in her.

Superman initially flew with his right arm outstretched and his left hand at his hip. Later he started flying with both arms out.
-He switched from manual to auto.

Where did Superman go to college?
– Kent State.

Deadpool interviewing superman after that mustache cover up in Justice League
-“Hey, blue spandex, excuse me but I moustache ask you a question or should I shave it for later?”
Credit : YouTube comment by Zyle Williams.

Unfortunately, Superman won’t be able to fight Dracula this evening…
-He won’t go near the crypt tonight.

What is Superman’s favorite drink?
-Lemon Aid.

Superman lost all of his money on a digital currency scheme
-It was his cryptonite.

I just googled “Superman football stats,” and it didn’t have his FA cup stats…
-…just his league

Did you hear that Superman and Batman are splitting off to form their own team?
-They’re calling themselves the Just Us League.

What’s the name of Superman’s home planet in opposite dimension?

What’s the difference between The Bloods and Superman?
-One gets killed by kryptonite, the other gets killed by Crips tonight.

What was the money called on Superman’s home planet?

They called this one inmate in prison Superman
-Yeah, you can say with all the time he was doing for burglary and larceny, that he was the “man of steal.”

What is it called when Batman and Superman challenge each other to a race?
-A Marthaon

I went to a Superman themed party.
-But I had to leave early because there was a massive queue for the cloakroom.

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