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Super Mario jokes 🍄 in 2025

The difference between Nick Mullen and the small version of Mario
– Is about 2 feet, with Nick Mullen being smaller than tiny Mario. Relatively speaking.

Why does Mario not look things up online?
– Because he hates BrOWSERs.

Where’s Mario’s favorite place to go on vacation?
– Oahu

Why did Princess Peach dump Mario for Toad?
– Because he just wasn’t as much of a fun guy.

Mario knocked on a car window looking to score some shrooms.
The driver said, “Sorry Mario, but your dealer is in another car-stle”

Mario’s gonna be pissed again
– When he finds out trumps impeach again

Marisa Tomei is an anagram of
– It’s a-me, Mario

“It’s a boy!” Mario shouted. “It’s a boy!”
– With tears rolling down his cheeks, Mario came running out of the room….and never visited Bangkok again.

Italians are always adding -a to words. (It’s-a me, Mario!)
I find it to be a horrible corruption of the English language.

I say pizz and past, like a _real_ American.

What kind of pants does Mario wear?
– Denim denim denim.

Why is Mario jealous of Donald Trump?
– Because he has been in peach twice now

What do you call someone who has a favorite map on Mario Kart?
– Racist.

Mario is highly upset
– He heard Trump has been in Peach

Donald Trump must play Mario Kart.
– Because he was in the lead but got hit by something blue at the end of the race.

You guys know what Mario’s favorite type of pants are?
*Denim Denim Denim*
edit – say it out loud if you aren’t getting it.

What does King Koopa use to research things?
– A web bowser.

The body of Mario’s former nemesis was found in his jungle province this morning.
– It was in a state of DK.

I watched a documentary about Mario the other day
– The moment he decided to start eating green mushroom was truly a life-changing event.

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