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Super Bowl jokes 🏈🏆 in 2024

So, there’s the Super Bowl. After that, there’s the Mega Bowl. Then, after that, there’s the Giga Bowl.
– Anymore than that, though, would just be Tera Bowl.

Why did the dog not play football?
– Because it’s a Boxer!

How many Atlanta Falcons does it take to win a Super Bowl?
– Nobody knows and we may never find out.

What did the Detroit Lions fan say when they won the super bowl?
– “Why, why did you wake me up? I was having such a nice dream!”

What’s infinite times better than the Super Bowl?
– The Hyperbole

What kind of tea do they serve football players at the Super Bowl?
– Penaltea

Who’s the smartest player to win a Superbowl?
– Tom Brainy.

How does a Packer fan find a sheep in the vast rolling hills of Wisconsin?
– Satisfying!

The super bowl is this weekend, don’t forget to bring a jacket because it’s supposed to get cold.
– Luckily, there shouldn’t be any Brees though.

What kind of tea do Super Bowl football players drink?
– Penal (tea)

Why do field goal kickers bring string to the Superbowl?
– Just in case they need to tie the score.

What did Waldo say at the Superbowl?
– I’m just here so I won’t get find.

Why have the Patriots won so many Super Bowls?
– Because the owner really likes a happy ending.

Where do Super Bowl players dance?
– At a foot…ball!

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Hans who?
Hans to the face is a penalty.

What do the Atlanta Falcons and the mailman have in common?
– Neither deliver on Sunday night.

I just don’t understand why everyone is making such a big deal about Eminem kneeling at the Super Bowl…
– He literally said his knees were weak like 2 minutes earlier…

What dessert do they serve at the Super Bowl?
– Sundays.

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