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Statistics jokes 📊 in 2025

Three statisticians go out hunting…
– and come across a large deer.
The first statistician fires, but misses by a meter to the left.
The second statistician fires, but also misses, this time by a meter to the right.
The third statistician doesn’t fire, but starts shouting in triumph “We got it! We got it!”

Statistician joke…
Why did a statistician take a zebra with him when he boarded a train?
– Because statistically, it’s a lot less likely to be a train accident with a Zebra inside it…

Why is statistics never anyone’s favorite subject?
– It’s just average.

Three statisticians are bow hunting in the woods and see a deer…
The first shoots his arrow and misses to the right by three feet.

The second shoots and misses three feet to the left.

The third throws up his arms and yells, “We got him!”

According to statistics, the highest suicide rate is found near piers.
– I think it’s because of pier pressure.

Statistically speaking, 6 out 10 statistics are wrong.
– Including this one.

statistics of birth control effectiveness
Condoms = 99%

birth control pills =99%

My tinder profile = 100%

Phone statistics in third world countries:
Phone statistics in third world countries:

Boy to Boy 00:00:59

Boy to Mom 00:00:50

Boy to Dad 00:00:30

Boy to Girl 01:23:59

Girl to Girl 05:29:59

Girl to Boy Missed call

Husband to Wife 00:00:03

Wife to Husband 14 Missed Calls

Statistical inference joke – why are two medians in a single data set funny?
– Because it’s a co-median ^_^

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