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Squirrel Jokes 🐿️ in 2025

Why don’t squirrels wear skinny jeans?
-Because their nuts won’t fit

What do you call a squirrel in a church?
-A chipmunk!

What does the squirrel do on his computer late at night?
– He nuts.

What do you call a squirrel that goes to space?
-An astro-nut

Cigarettes are like squirrels.
-Theyre perfectly harmless until you stick one in your mouth and light it on fire.

Why don’t squirrels have any friends?
Because they drive everyone nuts.

Why didn’t the squirrel wanna go swimming because
-he didnt wanna get his nuts wet

What’s a squirrels favorite way to watch TV?

A joke my 8 y/o daughter made up this morning. Thought it was pretty good!

What did the squirrel say the time she managed to accidentally catch her tail in the door?
– It won’t be long now.

Why can’t you be friends with a squirrel?
-They drive everyone nuts.

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