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Squirrel Jokes 🐿️ in 2025

What did the first squirrel say when the second squirrel put twigs in the frying pan?
– What on earth are you doing? This is a non-stick pan!

Food is getting so scarce, I just followed a squirrel so I could steal his nuts.
-It was a lot of work for two small pieces of meat.

What did the squirrel wear on her feet?
– Cashews.

How do you catch a squirrel?
– A.Act like a nut

Squirrels don’t have children….
– They ALWAYS swallow the nut.

What did the romantic squirrel give to his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?

One time there was a squirrel who died
-It was funny because the squirrel got dead.

What do blind squirrels and testicular cancer patients have in common?
-They can’t find their nuts

I was chasing a squirrel in my back yard. The squirrel ran up a tree.
– My car was totaled.

What do you call a squirrel who is in charge of a bank?
– A branch manager.

What do you get when you cross a spider and a squirrel?
-A bug that will climb your leg and eat your nuts

Why don’t squirrels have any friends?
-Because they drive everyone nuts.

What would you name a mumafied squirrel?
-Perhaps… Mumford?

If you listen closely you can hear the polite squirrel swear
-“Aww nuts!”
(its name is probably Carl)

Where do squirrels go for their summer holidays?
– To beech trees.

what’s the best way to eat a squirrel
-open up its little legs

What does a hungry squirrel and my dog have in common?
-They both have no nuts.

If squirrels could tell jokes, they’d be quick and to the point
-Because they’d be in a nut shell

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