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Spring jokes 🌼🍀🌸 in 2025

Q: Which month can’t make a decision?
– A: MAYbe.

What falls but never gets hurt?
– The rain

Q: What falls but never gets hurt?
– A: The rain!

Q: Name a bow that can’t be tied.
– A: A rainbow

What’s the difference between a spring roll and a summer roll?
– Seasoning

Why do they call it Spring?
– Because the weather bounces around more than a Slinky.

What did summer say to spring?
– Help, I’m about to fall.

What did the spring say to the airplane?
– Boeing!!

Q: When is it impossible to plant flowers?
– A: When you haven’t botany.

Does February like March?
– No but April May

Who is the only Irishman that comes out in the Spring?
– Patty O’Furniture

What’s May’s favourite thing? April showers,
– because the April showers bring May flowers.

Why are frogs so happy?
– They eat whatever bugs them.

Q: What goes up when the rain comes down?
– A: Umbrellas!

What is the best flower for a boy to give his mom?
– A son-flower!

Did you hear about the two bed bugs who met in the mattress?
– They were married in the spring!

When’s the best time to go on a trampoline?
– In the spring.

What goes up when the rain goes up?
– Umbrellas

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