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Spiderman Jokes 🕷️ in 2024

What is Spiderman’s favourite sport?
-Fly fishing.

Why is Spiderman silly?
-Because he wears his underpants on his head

Spiderman designed a new outfit that he can wear to formal occasions.
-It’s a class action suit.

What do you get when you cross Spider-Man with a dinosaur?
-Jurassic Parker.

What’s Spidermans side job?
-Web developer

Guess which Avenger paid the least taxes this year?
– Spiderman, because his entire income was net income

Anyone can learn to climb a wall like Spiderman,
-you just need to stick to it.

Which superhero can Mr Clean easily get rid of?
-Spider-Man, it just takes a little pledge.

What’s Spiderman’s favorite hobby?
– Web designer

What is Spiderman’s favourite drink?
– Punch.

Why did Spiderman open a savings account?
-To turn his Spidey cents into Spidey dollars.

What did Spiderman name his son?
– Arachnakid.

If Wonder Woman and Spiderman went into business together
-would they call it Amazon Web Services?

Why can’t Iron man wear Spiderman’s suit?
-He’s dead

Spider-Man hated his new Spider-car.
-He said it drove him up the wall

Which game does Spider-Man always lose against Thanos?

What do you call Spiderman when he parks his car?
-Peter Parker

What is Spider-Man’s favourite thing to have with his drink?

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