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Spiderman Jokes 🕷️ in 2025

What does Peter Parker call a Spiderman made of building blocks?
-His alter-lego.

What would you call Spiderman if he was Dinosaur man instead?
-Jurassic Parker

Which ankle did Spider-Man twist after tripping on the curb?
-Ankle Ben.

What is the one thing Spiderman can’t eat?
-Uncle Bens rice.

What is Spiderman’s favourite type of music?
– Swing.

Spiderman (Toby Maguire) wasn’t funny a bit.
-He was always terrible at delivery.

What do you get when you cross Spiderman with a boy who never grows up?
– Peter Pan.

Spiderman gets a job in the CIA. What does the officer tell him?

Why doesn’t Spider Man like to talk to Bruce Wayne?
-Because he has bat breath.

I went to Spider-Man’s wedding.
-It was lovely to see the newly webs.

How is Spider-Man like a toy top?
-He’s always spinning.

Why do the Avengers keep calling Spiderman over to fix their computer?
-Because they heard he’s a web developer

What is Spider-Man’s favourite food?
– French flies.

What does Aunt May sing when Spiderman makes lunch?
-Spiderman, Spiderman, he just opened a tuna can.

Why did Spiderman open a retirement account?
-He wanted to turn his Spidey cents into Spidey dollars.

Where did Black Widow and Spiderman first meet?
-On the world wide web.

Spiderman became a vigilante
-Meanwhile, Aunt May became a vigil auntie.

What is Spider-Man’s favorite part of a joke?
-The Punch Line!

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