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Space Jokes 🚀 in 2025

What is E.T. short for?
-Because he has small legs…

Orion’s Belt is
-a waist of space…

I am throwing a party in space.
-Can you help me planet?

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Solar, who?
Solar you going to think of a better joke?

Why did The Sun go to school?
– To get brighter!

What is a spaceman’s favorite chocolate?
– A marsbar!

What do you call a comet wrapped in bacon?
-A meateor.

Who in the solar system has the loosest change?
– The moon because it keeps changing quarters.

I was up all night wondering where The Sun had gone
– then it dawned on me… 😂

Saturn’s name is the best in our solar system.
-It has a nice ring to it.

What do people think about the restaurant on the moon?
-Despite being full, there was no atmosphere.

How does a man cut his hair on the moon?
-Eclipse it…

Why didn’t the sun go to college?
-Because it already had a million degrees!

Yesterday I was charged $10,000 dollars for sending my cat into space.
-It was a cat astro fee.

If you were in space no one can hear you scream.
– That’s understandable as you’d be hundreds of miles away…

Why did the cow go in the spaceship?
-It wanted to see the mooooooon!

What did the alien say to the garden?
– “Take me to your weeder!”

What did the doctor say to the rocket ship?
-“Time to get your booster shot!”

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