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Space Jokes 🚀 in 2024

Why did the cow go to outer space?
-To visit the milky way.

How does Jupiter hold up its trousers?
-With an asteroid belt..

What did the alien say when he was out of room?
– “I’m all spaced out!”

What does an astronaut do when he gets angry?
– He blasts off!

I would love to go to space,
-but the cost is astronomical!

What does an astronaut call his ex from space?

Who was the first deer in space?
– Buck Rogers.

Why did the star get arrested?
-Because it was a shooting star!

Why did the cow go into the spaceship?
-It wanted to see the mooooooon.

Einstein developed a theory about space,
-and about time too!

If you run out of room,
-are you Outer Space?

Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space?
-To find Pluto.

What did Mars say to Saturn?
-“Give me a ring sometime.”

Why are astronauts successful people?
– Because they always go up in the world!

I’ll try think of more Space Puns,
-but I’ll need some time to planet! 😂

Why did the people not like the restaurant on the moon?
– Because there was no atmosphere.

If athletes get athlete’s foot, then what do astronauts get?

What do moon people do when they get married?
-They go off on their honeyearth!

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