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Softball jokes in 2025

Why did the pastry chef hire a softball pitcher?
– Because she knew how to handle the batter

What do softball players do when they get overheated?
– They get closer to one of the fans.

Why did Michael Jackson like playing softball?
– Because he only had to wear one glove!

Why did the softball player shut down his website?…
– She wasn’t getting any hits!

Why did the vampire strike out?…
– He used the wrong softball bat!

Did you hear the joke about the fast pitch?
– Oops – You just missed it.

Do you know what cupcakes & a softball team have in common?…
– They both count on the batter!

Where can you find the largest diamond in the world?…
– On a softball field.

What has 18 legs and catches flies?
– A softball team

What is a softball player’s favorite thing about going to the park?
– The swings.

Who’s there?
– Tess me.
Tess me who?
Tess me the softball!

What do softball players eat on?… Home plates.

Why is hotter after a softball game?…
– All the fans have left.

Does it take longer to run from 1st base to 2nd base, or from 2nd base to 3rd base?
– 2nd to 3rd because there is a short stop in the middle.

What did the outfielder say to the softball?
– Catch you later.

Where did the softball player wash her socks?…
– In the bleachers.

What goes all the way around a softball field but never moves?…
– The fence!

Where is the largest diamond in New York City kept?…
– In Yankee Stadium.

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