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Softball jokes in 2025

Did you hear the joke about the softball?…
– It will leave you in stitches!

What is the difference between a girl who is late for dinner and asoftball hit over the fence?…
– One runs home and the other is a home run.

When should softball players wear armor?…
– When they play knight games

When should softball players wear armor?
– When they play knight games.

What is harder to catch the faster you run?
– Your breath!

Which superhero is the best at baseball?…
– Batman.

You are locked inside a car with nothing but a softball bat. How do you get out?… Unlock the door, of course!

What is the best advice to give a young softball player?…
– If you don’t succeed at first, try second base.

Where did the softball player wash her socks?
– In the bleachers.

Why was Cinderella kicked off the softball team?
– She always ran away from the ball.

What are the rules in zebra softball?…
– Three stripes and you’re out.

Why did the police arrest the softball player?…
– He stole 3rd base!

How is a softball team similar to a pancake?
– They both need a good batter.

Why are frogs good outfielders?
– They never miss a fly.

What would you get if you crossed a pitcher and the Invisible Man?…
– Pitching like no one has ever seen.

Why are softball players so rich?…
– Because they play on diamonds!

When did the softball team tie up the game?…
– five to five (4:55) or 10 to 10 (9:50)

What do you get when you cross a tree with a softball player?
– Babe Root.

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