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Snow Jokes ☃️ in 2024

What separates snowmen from snow-women?
– Snow Balls

Sure you’re just sledding now
– But sledding is a gateway to other things.
Soon you’ll be tobogganing.
And snow-tubing.
And snowboarding.
And skiing.

It’s a slippery slope.

In Toronto it’s snowing so hard right now that it’s become pro-China …
– In other words, its a Blizzard.

Today isn’t the day to be making jokes about the weather.
-It’s snow joke.

Snow White was in bed, feeling Happy
-Happy got out, so she started feeling Grumpy

Friends are like snow
– When you pee on them, they disappear.

Where would a snowman ☃️ go on his days off of work?
– Snowhere.

What’s the seven dwarf’s nickname for snow white?
-Heigh Ho.

Why do Indians hate snow?
-Because it’s white and settles on their land.

Edit: well now I know what people mean by rip inbox.

Edit2: wtf happened to my headline, why is it Donald trump?

What time is it when little white flakes fall past the classroom window?
-Snow and Tell.

I just ran over one of Snow Whites dwarfs.
-He wasn’t Happy!

Why couldn’t Edward the whistleblower leave his house during the winter to warn the government of corruption?
-He was snowed in.

Why didn’t Guns N Roses turn up for the gig when it was snowing?
-Axel Froze.

Why do Native Americans hate snow?
-It’s white and on their land

-Does a snow man get really excited or really worried when someone says snowblower? Sorry if it’s a repost

What is your snow ❄️ name?

Just tried to de-snow my car with a loyalty card
– I only managed to get 10% off

Luke Skywalker and Yoda are hopelessly lost on their journey…
-Luke: Yoda, we’ve been walking for hours! Are you sure that we’re going the right way?

Yoda: For the tenth time, told you, I have! Off course, we are!

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