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Snake jokes 🐍 in 2025

Why can’t a snake rob a bank?
– Because they are unarmed.

Why do snakes always measure in inches?
– Because they don’t have any feet

What is a snake’s favorite school subject?
– Hisstory.

What is a snake’s favorite school subject?
– Hisstory.
I came up with that in a dream last night, hope it’s OC.

What is a snake’s favorite dance?
– The Mamba.

What did the Mommy snake say to the Baby snake?
– “Please stop crying and viper your nose.”

Why are snakes hard to fool?
– They have no legs to pull.

A snake walks into a bar.
– The bartender says, “How did you do that?”

Why are snakes so hard to fool?
– They have no legs to pull.

What do you get if you cross a newborn snake with a basketball?
– A bouncing baby boa.

My pet snake just lays around and won’t move
– I think he’s suffering from a reptile dysfunction

Who is a snake’s favorite author?
– William Snakespeare.

What is a snake’s favorite subject in school?
– Hisstory.

Why do snakes always measure in inches?
– Because they don’t have feet.

Did you hear about the snake that killed animals for fun?
– He was a cold blooded murderer

How do you call a fear of snakes?
– Common sense.

Why did the viper, viper nose?
– Because the adder, adder hankerchief.

What do snakes use to clean their car windows?
– Windscreen vipers.

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