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Sloth jokes 🦥 in 2025

What’s a sloth’s favorite piece of furniture?
– The sloth-fa.

I told my husband that the National Zoo’s sloth bear gave birth but ate two of the three babies.
– He said, “Now she’s guilty of two deadly sins: sloth and gluttony.”

What do you call an intelligent sloth?
– Slo-mo sapiens

What do you call an intelligent sloth?
– Slo-mo sapiens.

What did the mama sloth say to the baby sloth who was trying to rush across the tree branch?
– “Slow down and hang-in there, junior!”

What did the tortoise say when she was dating the sloth?
– “Let’s taake it sloooooow.”

A sloth walks into a bar
– 10 minutes later, bartender says “Sorry we’re closed.”

Sloth motto : I’m not lazy. I’m energy-efficient.

What do you think of sloths? (If she says she likes them…) Girl, are you fur-real?
– So do I. Let’s go on a date!

Why didn’t the sloth go extinct?
– It didn’t plan on going anywhere.

What did the sloth wear to the swimming pool?
– His speedo

What do you call a sloth that barely moves a muscle?
– A slow-off (show off).

When should you apologize to a sloth?
– Later… much later.

A sloth goes to a bar to get drunk.
– After a long time and a lot of drinks, the bartender asks the sloth why he is there.
– The sloth replies, “I’m depressed, my wife is leaving me. I bet she’s already halfway through the kitchen.”

They say fast food is bad for you…
– so I ate a sloth.

How did the sloth become President of the tree?
– He slept his way to the top.

What do you call an aristocratic sloth?
– Slowphisticated.

I watched a GIF of a sloth for five minutes yesterday until I realized it was just an image.

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