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Sloth jokes 🦥 in 2025

What do sloths throw in winter?
– Slowballs.

A sloth was robbed by 2 turtles
– Sloth robbed by 2 turtles. Cop asks if he could describe the assailants. Sloth replies, “It all happened so fast.”

Sloth motto : Just do it later.

A sloth got mugged by a bunch of snails. Know what he said afterward?
– It all happened so fast.

I’m like a sloth, and you’re like moss.
– I think you’re starting to grow on me!

What do you call it when a sloth eats a second plate of food?
– Slothy seconds.

What did God tell the sloth upon its creation?
– You’re pretty slow so here, take these claws.

Sloths are the most social animals.
– They always want to hang out.

What was the sloth’s favorite song?
– Don’t worry, be happy!

Sloths are the most social animals.
– They always want to hang out.

I’d love sloth. I wish sloth would come home and visit me once in a while. I don’t consider laziness a sin at all.

Why did the sloth get fired from his job?
– He would only do the BEAR minimum

What did the city sloth say?
– I’m from the sloth side!

What do you call a sloth that barely moves a muscle?
– A slow-off.

What did Sloth say when he found gold?
– AU GUYS!!!

What did the grape say when the sloth stood on it?
– Nothing, it just let out a little wine!

The priest said my body was built for sin. What sin?
– Slothfulness.

Sloths never kiss on the first date…
– They take it slow.

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