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Shoe jokes 👟👠 in 2025

I bought some drugs from the old lady who lives in a shoe.
– They turned out to be laced.

Why do shoes come in pairs?
– Because they’re sole mates

Why was the shoe late for class?
– Because he was tied up.

Why should you wear good shoes in a fight?
– You’ll never see de feet

I was watching the Super Bowl with some friends…
– and my fiancee’s friend, who isn’t very keen on sports, is commenting on the shoe polish streaks under their eyes.

She says “I just don’t get it, what do those black things even do?”

I reply, “Well, play football, mostly.”

As I knelt down in the shoe shop with a pair of shoes in front of this sexy blonde, I couldn’t resist a quick glance up her short skirt…
– “Hey pervy!” she said. “I bet the only reason you work here is to look up girls’ skirts, isn’t it?!”

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