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Shark Jokes 🦈 in 2025

What was the college student sharks favorite internet site?

what was the sharks favorite humor website
-something dorsal

Why do sharks chew gum?
-For the Bazooka Joe comic

What kind of photographs do shark crime scene investigators use?
– Placoid photos

Did you hear about the aquarium owner?
-His shark was worse than his pike.

Why doesn’t anybody like the stand-up comedy of Margaret Shark?
-She bites!

What magical spell causes the victim to bleed profusely?
– Shark-temsempra

What was the shark world’s equivalent of Tom Delay’s nickname?
-The Hammerhead

What was the shark’s favorite Tim Burton film?
-Edward Scissorfins

Who was the sharks favorite character on NBC’s “The Office”
– Michael Shark

why did the mommy shark and daddy shark get divorced
-they no longer loved each other

Who was the shark’s favorite Norwegian painter?
-Edvard Munch!

What was Shark Elvis’s biggest hit?
-You Ain’t Nothin’ But A Houndshark

What did the seal with a broken arm say to the shark?
-Do not eat if seal is broken

How do you know if a shark is hungry?
– If he is breathing!

Did the shark who was raised by fish receive any education?
-Yes, he was home-schooled (in a school of fish)

why did the shark commit suicide
-he was tired of feeling like he was swimming in circles

Are sharks smarter than dolphins?
-No, but don’t tell them that! (they might eat you)

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