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Shark Jokes 🦈 in 2024

What kind of shark appears threatening but is actually ineffectual
-A paper tiger shark

What is a sharks favorite bible story
– Noah’s SHARK

Whats green and gross and lives under the sea?
-Shark boogers!

If Chuck Norris, Jack Bauer, and a shark all fought each other who would win
-The shark

what are the sharks favorite creatures from the star wars franchise

Where do sharks go on Saturday nights?
– To the moooo-vies!

What was the marine biologist’s kid’s excuse for not having his homework?
-“My shark ate it!”

What was the sharks favorite B-52s song
-Love Shark

What did the deaf, dumb and blind shark excel at?

I don’t have a set-up for this punchline
-Gosford Shark

What was the shark;s favorite James Joyce novel
– FINnegan’s wake

What did the programmer shark use for his Web 2.0 site?

What would they call a quarter pounder with cheese at a hypothetical McDonalds for sharks
-a quarter flounder with cheese

What do you get when you cross-breed a shark and a cow?
-I have no idea but I wouldn’t try milking it.

What was the shark’s favorite Pixar movie?
-Eating Nemo

Why did the shark joke book writer’s wife leave him?
-She wanted to start a relationship with that blond-haired meathead who “wrote” 200 Gross Jokes

What kind of shark is always gambling?

What is a shark’s favorite smell?
-Human blood.

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