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Scarecrow jokes in 2025

Why is the scarecrow the most funniest comedian around?
– They can always tickle you with their straw if you don’t laugh at their jokes.

Who paid the big bad wolf to blow down the first pigs house?
– A scarecrow!

Why was the scarecrow promoted?
– Because he was outstanding in his field!

What is a scarecrows vehicle of choice?
– An Autumn mobile

Why can’t scarecrows be the church musician?
– They don’t have any organs.

What new crop did the scarecrow stand over?
– Beets me!

What moos and is made of hay?
– A scarecow!

How do you call a group of scarecrows?
– Hay guys!

Why did the scarecrow lose the race with the cabbage?
– The cabbage was always a little ahead.

What is a scarecrow’s favorite food?
– Stuffing!

Scarecrows love farming
When I asked him why he loved farming so much he just said,
– “Hay, it’s in my jeans.”

What’s a scarecrows favourite fruit?
– A straw-berry.

Why didn’t the scarecrow go to the dance?
– He had no body to dance with.

Why did the scarecrow stand up comedian fail?
– Because all he’s jokes were corny!

What did the scarecrow do after the big bad wolf blew down the pig’s straw house?
– He rebuilt his family!

Why did the scarecrow win an award?
– because he was out standing in his field

Why was the female scarecrow unhappy with her husband?
– She was not satisfied with the results of his straw pole.

What was the scarecrow’s favorite fruit?
– Straw-berries.

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