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Sailor jokes ⛵ in 2025

Why was ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ not allowed to play on the cruise?
– Because of censor-ship!

Why did the sailboat want to dance with the motor boat?
– Because he liked her a yacht.

What kind of sailing ship serves ice cream cakes?
– A Caravel (sailing ship used in the 15-16th century)

Pirate at the pirate awards: “And I would like to thank me wife, me daughters, and last boat not least, my ship!’

Why did the sailor suddenly jump into the sea?
– To test the water.

What was the sailor worried about this time?
– To not go overboard.

Why did it take so long for the sailor to pull it up his anchor?
– It was farther than he FATHOMed (fathom is a unit of length, usually for depth)

What’s opposite the Lee side on a sailboat?
– The Levi side.

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