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Sailor jokes ⛵ in 2025

What happened when the boat carrying red paint crashed against the boat carrying blue paint?
– The crew got marooned.

What is the name of the most joyful ship?
– The laughter-ship.

What sailing movie featured Luke Skywater?
– Star Board.

What did the two ropes do after falling in love?
– They got hitched (hitch is a type of knot).

How do you know when a boat is feeling affectionate?
– When it hugs the shore!

Where do the most deadly creatures like zombies go for sailing?
– To the Dead Sea.

Yeah, buoy, let’s sail!

What kind of knot does Santa use when sailing?
– A Cringle.

Where do sailors play checkers?
– Overboard.

Why did the students go on the boat?
– To get their scholar-ship!

How much did it cost a pirate for the piercing of his ear?
– A buck an ear.

Worry less and paddle more.

What’s the polite term for an overweight sailor?
– Portly

What do British sea monsters eat?
– Why fish and ships, of course!

What kind of music do fishermen love to listen to on their boat?
– Pond-tunes.

Why are pirates so bad at learning alphabets?
– Because they always get stuck at C.

Why was the sailboat feeling better?
– It was heeling.

Why did the sailboat captain bring a hockey player on his voyage?
– To prevent icing (a hazard for ships – and a play in hockey).

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