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Robot jokes 🤖 in 2025

Why did the robot chicken cross the road?
– He was programmed to.

What do you call it when two robots go to a restaurant?
– A dinner data.

What do robots drink from?
– Ro-bottles!

How do robots drive fast?
– They put their metal to the pedal.

Judge: “So, Mr. Robot. Your neighbor accused you of stealing their electricity to power yourself. How do you plea?”
Robot, the defendant: “Guilty as charged.”

What do robot pine trees grow?
– Sili-cones.

How do doggy robots do?
– They byte!

Why does the robot struggle to make friends?
– He has a tough outer shell!

What do you get when you cross a cat with a robot?
– A meow-bot!

What sort of robot turns into a tractor?
– A transfarmer!

How did the robot get across the river?
– In a ro-boat.

Why did the robot cross the road?
– The chicken programmed it.

Why did the robot fall in love with the magnet?
– He couldn’t resist the magnetic attraction!

Why was the robot dog itchy?
– He had robo-ticks

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Bo, who?

How did the robot’s teacher mark his book?
– With robo-ticks.

Why are robots never lonely?
– Because there R2 of them

Where do robots go on holiday?
– Wireland.

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