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Reindeer jokes 🦌 in 2025

Does everyone in the North Pole think Santa’s reindeer are a great team?
– Yep, that’s what they’ve herd.

Why did Rudolph’s nose light up in school?
– He was a very bright student.

What do you call a reindeer at Halloween?
– A cari-boo!

Why does Scrooge love reindeer?
– Because every buck is dear to him!

Which reindeer can jump higher than a house?
– All of them, houses can’t jump.

What should you give a reindeer with a stomachache?
– Elk-a-seltzer.

What kind of motorbike does Santa ride?
– A Holly Davidson!

What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?
– Horn-aments.

Why do reindeer wear fur coats?
– Because they look silly in snowsuits.

“What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?”
– “Horn-aments.”

What kind of stuffed animal do reindeer love to cuddle with?
– Stuffed (Ru)dolphins.

What did the stamp say to the Christmas card?
– Stick with me and we’ll go places!

Why didn’t the reindeer go to school when he was younger?
– Because he was elf-taught.

What do you call a clever reindeer?
– Braindeer.

Where do reindeer get their coffee?
– Starbucks.

What do the reindeer use to wipe off their sleigh?
– Santa-tizer.

Knock knock.

– Who’s there?

– Anita.

– Anita who?

– Anita lift please, Rudolph!

How do reindeer know which day it is?
– They check their calen-deer!

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