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Reindeer jokes 🦌 in 2025

How do you get into a reindeer’s house?
– By ringing the deer bell.

What did the reindeer say to the elf?
– Nothing, reindeer can’t talk.

“What did Mrs. Claus say to Santa when she looked up in the sky?”
– “Looks like rein, deer!”

How do reindeer know that Christmas is coming?
– They look at their calen-deer.

Why don’t you ever see Santa in hospital?
– Because he has private elf care!

“What’s the difference between a knight and Santa’s reindeer?”
– “The knight is slayin the dragon, and the reindeer are dragon the sleigh!”

What do you call a three-legged reindeer?
– Eileen.

Why were the reindeer still in the barn when they were supposed to be with Santa?
– They were stalling.

Why was one of the reindeer afraid to smile?
– He didn’t want to show off his buck teeth.

What do you call a reindeer with three eyes?
– A Reiiindeer.

How much do reindeer pay to park their sleigh?
– Nothing, it’s on the house!

“Where do reindeer like to stop for lunch?”
– “Deery Queen.”

Why is putting on highlighter Rudolph’s best-kept beauty secret?
– It gives him his infamous shiny nose.

Why does Santa have three gardens?
– So he can ‘ho ho ho’!

“How can Santa’s sleigh fly through the air?”
– “You would too if you were pulled by flying reindeer.”

What do reindeer eat for breakfast?
– Deerios.

“Why doesn’t Santa use reindeer milk in his coffee?”
– “He’s on a non-deery diet.”

What do naughty reindeer eat for breakfast?
– Co-coal Puffs.

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