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Realtor jokes ๐Ÿ”‘๐Ÿก in 2024

Why did the realtor join a rock band? He was a master of “rolling” stones!

Why did the realtor join the choir? He loved the sound of a “closing” note!

Why did the realtor go to a fashion show? He wanted to “model” home trends!

Why did the realtor bring a map to the party? He wanted to introduce everyone to his “lot” of friends!

What’s a realtor’s favorite type of movie? Anything with a great “plot!”

Why did the realtor become a therapist? He knew how to “comfort” stressed clients!

Why don’t realtors get invited to basketball games? They’re always talking about “sells!”

Why did the realtor become a magician? He always had a few “tricks” up his sleeve!

Why did the realtor become a chef? He knew how to “cook up” a great deal!

Why did the realtor become a DJ? He knew how to “spin” a great sale!

What’s a realtor’s favorite game? Monopoly, because they always take a chance on property!

Why did the realtor take up photography? He knew how to “frame” the perfect shot!

Why did the realtor become a lifeguard? He wanted to “save” drowning deals!

Why did the realtor go to the gym? He wanted to “close” on his fitness goals!

Why did the realtor become a park ranger? He knew all about “natural” listings!

Why are realtors bad at playing chess? They always lose their “castles!”

Why did the realtor go to a bakery? He had a “taste” for sweet deals!

Why did the realtor refuse to play hide and seek? He always felt “cornered!”

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