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Reading jokes 📚 in 2024

What do you call a book that’s always fighting? A battle-book.

What do you call a book that’s been translated? A language-changer.

What do you call a bear who loves to read? A book-grizzly.

What do you call a book that’s been forgotten? A lost-page-turner.

What do you call a book that’s been around the world? A globe-trotter.

How do you know when a book is in love? It has a lot of heartwarming moments.

How do you know when a book is excited? It becomes very read-y.

How do you make a book fly? You give it a good cover.

Why did the book feel like it was in a mystery novel? It had a lot of unanswered questions.

Why did the book feel like it was being watched? Because it had a lot of eyes on it.

Why did the book feel like it was on a seesaw? Because it had a lot of plot twists.

Why did the book get lost in the forest? It couldn’t put its story down.

What do you call a book that’s been haunted? A ghost-story.

Why was the book so nervous? Because it had a lot of pressure to cover.

Why did the book feel like it was stuck in a rut? It had a lot of repetition.

What do you call a book that can’t be put down? A page-turner.

How do you make a book sad? You give it a tragic ending.

How do you know when a book is angry? It throws a plot fit.

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