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Reading jokes 📚 in 2025

How do you get a book to go to sleep? You tuck it in with a good story.

What do you call a book that’s been stolen by pirates? A swashbuckler.

What do you call a book that’s been stolen? A crook-book.

How do you make a book feel appreciated? You recommend it to others.

How do you catch a squirrel who loves to read? Climb a tree and bring a good book with you.

How do you know when a book is telling a lie? Its plot doesn’t add up.

Why did the book go on a diet? It was trying to cut back on its footnotes.

Why was the book so excited for its vacation? It was going to be a beach read.

Why did the book feel like it was on top of the world? Because it had a good climax.

What do you call a book that’s been turned into a movie? A script-flipper.

Why did the librarian win the race? She knew all the shortcuts to the finish line.

What do you call a book that’s always getting into arguments? A debate-book.

What do you call a book that’s always in trouble? A hard-cover.

How do you know when a book is afraid? Its pages start turning white.

How do you make a book happy? You give it a good review.

Why did the book feel like it was in a race? It had a lot of competition.

What do you call a dinosaur who loves to read? A stego-saurus.

Why did the book feel like it was on a rollercoaster? Because it had a lot of ups and downs.

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