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Rat jokes 🐀 in 2025

Did you hear about the two rats the little girl brought home to keep as pets?
– Her brother named the first rat ‘Rata-one-ee’ and the second one ‘Ratatouille’.

What did the pet rat say when it walked into a bar and saw a whole lot of hawks?
– It said, “Haaaawkward!”

What would you get if you cross a rat with a laundry detergent?
– Bubble and squeak!

Who is the star of rodent Harry Potter?
– Daniel Rat-cliffe!

What did the rat say when he saw a bat flying overhead?
– Oh my! An angel!

What would you name a drama set with a cast full of rats shooting in Florida?
– The Miami Mice.

What is the one vehicle a rat likes to drive around in?
– The Ford Moustang.

What do you get if you mix an elephant and a rat?
– I don’t care. It’s a relephant.

What kind of insurance do rats need?
– Road dent insurance!

Did you hear about the rodent who worked out 24/7?
– He was a real gym rat!

Didn’t you accidentally hit a rat with your car the other day?
– “Yes, It left quite a ro-dent on my car.”

What do the rats use when they build their houses?
– Cottage cheese.

What would you name a rat if it reached enlightenment in Hungary?
– The Buddha-Pest.

What do you get when you cross laundry detergent with a rat?
– Bubble and Squeak!

In India, rats are revered…
– But in Hungary they are Budapest!

What would you name a musical rat that chews holes in your car tires?
– Deflator Mouse.

How do you know a pet rat will keep its promise or not?
– He’ll keep the promise if he guarancheese it.

What was the Roman Emperor rat called?
– Julius Cheeser.

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