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Radiologist jokes in 2024

Why are radiologists great architects? They know all about foundations!

What’s a radiologist’s favorite drink? X-ray on the rocks!

Why do radiologists hate jokes? Because they always have to find the humor in them!

Why did the radiologist cross the road? To see if the chicken’s bones were okay!

Why did the radiologist marry his assistant? Because he couldn’t resist her magnetic personality!

Why are radiologists never surprised? They see everything coming!

Why did the radiologist keep losing at chess? He was always getting checked!

How do radiologists spice up their lives? With a pinch of radiation!

Why are radiologists the best at Jenga? They know which piece is load-bearing!

Why did the tomato turn red at the radiologist’s office? Because it saw the salad dressing on the x-ray!

Why did the radiologist go to the gym? To have a stronger frame!

What’s a radiologist’s favorite song? “I can see clearly now!”

Why did the radiologist bring a ruler to work? To measure the radiation!

Why are radiologists great artists? They have a great eye for the skeletal structure!

Why did the radiologist get an award? Because he had the best exposure!

What’s a radiologist’s favorite book? “The Secret Life of Bones”!

Why are radiologists never lost? They always see the path clearly!

Why are radiologists great at poker? Because they always have an inside straight!

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