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Rabbit Jokes 🐇 in 2024

How do you know a rabbit is in a good mood?
-He’s hoppy.

Why did the bald man paint rabbits on his head?
-Because from a distance, they looked like hare.

What do you call an all you can eat meal in a rabbit hole?
-A Warren Buffet

How do you know when you’re eating rabbit stew?
-When you find a hare in it.

How do you catch a unique rabbit?
-Unique up on it.

How do dyslexic rabbits pass the time?
-They buck like funnies.

[NSFW?] A kid rabbit came back from school looking very happy.
-Father Rabbit: Why does Junior look so happy today?
Mother Rabbit: Because they taught the students how to multiply.

What did the rabbit say to the carrot?
-“It’s been nice gnawing you.”

How do rabbits keep their fur neat?
-With a hare brush!

What do you call a rabbit working in a hotel
-A bell-hop

What’s the difference between a rabbit and a plum ?
-They’re both purple except for the rabbit.

What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a leaf blower?
-A hare dryer.

3 months ago, Senator McConnell took my rabbit.
-Mitch better have my bunny.

How do rabbits travel?
-By hareplane.

what’s a rabbits favourite song?
-hip hop

A rabbit and a beaver are looking up at the majesty of the Hoover Dam
-And the beaver says to the rabbit
“Well I didn’t build it but it’s based on my design”

Why are rabbits so lucky?
-They have four rabbit’s feet.

Where do rabbits get their eyes checked?
-At the hop-ticians!

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