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Pug jokes 🐾 in 2025

What do pugs call empty jars of cheese whiz?
A: Cheese Was

The reason why pugs are so popular is because they’re fun and free-spirited. Some might even say they’re quite the pawty animal.

Imagine the disappointment when if a wolf knew it’s descendant would be a pug
– That’s how your grandpa feels when he sees your man bun

Why do pugs hate the rain?
A: They dont want to step in a poodle!

Why does getting one small dog with a smushed up face lead to getting many more dogs?
– It’s a gateway Pug

What do you call a pug that can play American football?
– A Pugskin

Who’s bigger: Mr. Bigger the Pug, or Mr. Bigger’s baby?
A: The baby, cause she’s a little bigger!

The best thing about my dog is that every time I come home, he showers me with pugs and kisses.

My DNA results came back 39% German, 27% Irish, 19% Beagle and 15% Pug.
– Turns out my dog licked my sample.

What do you call a cold pug?
A: A pupsicle!

Did you hear about the pug who invented the knock knock joke?
A: She won the no-bell prize!

I’d like to have some s-pug-hetti with a side of rolls, please.

What do you do when you’ve finished giving the dog a bath?
– Pull the pug out.

What happened when the pug swallowed a firefly?
A: He smiled with de-light!

What do you call a Pug that has just become the boxing world champ?
– A pugilist.

Why God gave us pugs
– It’s often said that pugs are living proof that God, in fact, does have a good sense of humor.

Why do pug farts smell?
A: For the benefit of the people who are hearing impaired!

Me to my pug: I told you i’d get the kibbles, please stop puggin‘ me.

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