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Pug jokes 🐾 in 2025

What’s a musical instrument that all pugs can play?
– The Trom-bone

What do you call a pug that’s been in the sun all day?
– A hot dog

What did the pug say to the garden?
A: Lettuce Eat!

What do you do when you’ve finished giving the dog a bath?
– Pull the pug out.

Whats a pugs favorite musical instrument?
A: The dinner bell!

Why do pugs like to use cell phones?
– Because phones have collar ID

I left the room for one minute and my pug got to my pizza. It’s now a pug-aroni pizza.

Got the wife a Pug Dog yesterday, despite the squashed nose, bulging eyes and rolls of fat…
– the Dog seems to like her.

My alarm system kept breaking down
– The alarm system kept breaking down so, instead of repairing it I decided to get a guard dog instead.

I went to the pet store and the shopkeeper showed me a lot of breeds to choose from. A Rottweiler, a German Shepherd, A Doberman, but there was this one tiny little pug that caught my eye. I laughed and told the shopkeeper what does this little fella do. The shopkeeper told me that it was the most dangerous of them all. The pug knows karate.

Amused, I told him to explain further. He brought a chair and set the dog free then told the dog “Karate the chair”, and within seconds he turned the chair into dust. Then he got a fridge and said, “Karate the fridge” and again the dog turned it into dust. Being pretty impressed I bought the dog.

I was very happy to show my wife what I had just got. The security problem in our house will be resolved now. “HONEY! I got the new security system!”, I said. She was disappointed to know it was just a dog. She said “WTF! IT’S A FREAKING DOG”. I said, “But honey this dog knows karate!”

My wife, “Karate MY ASS!’

What do you do after a pug eats your dictionary?
– You take the words right out of his mouth

Me to my pug: I told you i’d get the kibbles, please stop puggin‘ me.

Why does getting one small dog with a smushed up face lead to getting many more dogs?
– It’s a gateway Pug

Why dont pugs bark at their feet?
A: Because its not polite to talk back to your Paw!

What do you get if you cross a Boxer and a Pug?
– A pugilist!

Why do pug farts smell so bad?
– For the sake of the people who are hearing impaired.

Knock Knock
Whose There?
Here Who?
I can’t HEAR you because your pug is barking too much!

Do you know why pugs like french fries so much?
– Because their favorite vegetable is the pugtato

I bought a pug for my wife.
– Despite the bulging eyes, wrinkles and layers of fat, the pug seemed to like her.

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