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Programming Jokes 💻 in 2025

As a computer programmer, I love goose-feather pillows…
-Because they are down-loaded!

What is the most commonly used computer programming language?

As a programmer
-waking up is the 0th thing I do every morning

Programming in C can be difficult at times…
-Programming in C can be difficult at times, but you have to admit it builds tcharacter

What do you call a Russian that enjoys programming?

Here’s a short programming joke: !false
-It’s funny because it’s **true**. I hope that makes you laugh a *bit*.

Why did the C++ programmer do so well at his new job as a packaging and design engineer?
-Because he was very good at orienting objects.
(Okay this is a really technical dad joke, but isn’t that what they’re supposed to be?)

How can we complete any article for programmers without referring to stack overflow?
– After all, it is the brain behind every developer.

Why did the programmer leave his job ?
-Because he couldn’t hack it.

Why do programmers only go outside during the winter?
-Because it’s code outside.

Don’t anger a programming wizard.
– They’ll curse you, and every time you remove it, they’ll just recurse.

What you call it when computer programmers make fun of each other?
-cyber boolean

New programmers should begin with primitive puns
-before attempting ones with more structure

Attorney at law
– Saying you’re an attorney at law is like saying you’re a software developer at programming or that you’re a policeman at racism

Im thinking about studying computer programming next year…
-So i can C# in 2020

What do programmers dance to?
– Algorhythms

How to Achieve an Extraordinary Career Growth as a Programmer
-Your career is your responsibility.

What was the SNES programmers’ favorite drink?
– Sprite

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