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Programming Jokes 💻 in 2024

My fiance is finishing a web development program next month, and I am having some cookies made. I need some coding puns to put on some of them that will go along with the theme of graduation, we’re proud, etc.
-So far, all I have is “git push, git paid.”

Why was the programming language afraid when it entered the arena?
-It had enumerable foes.

Programmers hate roman numerals.
– But I can’t zero in on why

Programmer’s Valentine
– If I could represent my life using 32-bit signed integers, you would be -2,147,483,648 because you are the Most Significant Bit of my life.

I am a member of an online community which appreciates & discusses the programming language C.
-We call ourselves the ‘C-Men’.

What do spanish programmers code in?
– Si++

Why are Assembly programmers always soaking wet?
– They work below C-level.

What programming language do they use in Star Wars?

Why does programmers have perfect vision?
-Because they can C++

Why couldn’t the programmer dance to the song?
-Because he didn’t get the algo-rhythm…

Programming joke
-Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Unexpected Indent
In line 22

I am now a succesful programmer
-But back in the days I was a noobgrammer

Why do Universities hate java programmers?
-They’re always starting public classes.

What do NASA programmers do on the weekends?
-They hit the space bar.

Why couldn’t the programmer dance to the song?
-Because he didn’t get the… algo-rhythm…

My surgeon used to be a C programmer
-he ends all his procedures with a semi-colonoscopy.

Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas?
-Because Oct 31 equals Dec 25
For non-programmers: (octal 31 = decimal 25)

What are the computers of the Star Wars universe programmed to handle?

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