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Printer jokes 🖨️ in 2025

I don’t trust people that use large format printers.
– They’re always plotting something.

What’s the difference between jam and jelly?
– My office printer doesn’t jelly every time I try to print 🙁

BIack friend asked me if there was a colored printer in the library
– I said its 2014 man you can use what ever printer you want.

Imagine having a money printer
– That would be mint.

Why did the counterfeiters decide to go shopping for a brand new copier?
– They wanted to find one in mint condition!

I changed the name of my printer to George R. R. Martin
– It’s old, works slow, has issues finishing jobs, and constantly disappoints me.

Got a clever new printer that has printed a selfie I took in ultra violet ink.
– Now people see me in a different light.

People say that we are years away AI capable of emotion,
– But if the pure spite that is written into printer software is any indication, I’d say we’re already there.

An African American guy in College …
Asks a white dude:
– Hey man where’s the color printer?
Dude replies:
– Man, it’s 2018, you can use any printer you want!

3D printers are now printing guns…
– That’s nothing though. I’ve had a Canon printer for years.

A guy walks into a Kinkos and asks, “Do you have any colored printers?”
– To which the clerk responds, “It’s 2016 man. You can use any printer you want.”

Never let your printer know that you waited until the last minute to print something and you’re in a hurry.
– They can sense fear.

Why did the printer go to the gym?
– To get toner.

I was in the library one day, when a black friend of mine came in and asked if I knew where the color printer was.
– I said “Buddy, it’s 2021, you can use any printer you want.”

I received a letter from my opticians, but I’m concerned about their printer….
– Either it’s failing or they used a blurry font. So weird.

A policeman arrests a well dressed man in a suit and tie, walking down the Main Street of the city talking on his cell.
– The man has a desk strapped to his back, complete with laptop, printer and filing cabinet. He has a dustbin on his head.

– “Hold on councillor, I have a policeman trying to arrest me, and I haven’t got a clue why.” He turns and asks “What are the charges?”

– “Impersonating an office, Sir”

Why couldn’t the incontinent person print?

– They couldn’t Ctrl-P

I was wondering why music was coming from my printer…
– apparently the paper was jamming.

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