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Printer jokes 🖨️ in 2025

Larry sued Mary after she banned him from using the printer
– It was a matter of copyright.

What does my printer have in common with a rock star?
– They both keep jammin’ all the time.

I have a printer nicknamed Bob Marley
– Because it’s always Jammin’

Laziness is the engine of progress.
– The accountant printed out 50 absolutely clean sheets on the printer.
– To the question “Why?”,
– she replied that she needed 50 blank sheets, and she did not want to count them manually.

Thought I heard reggae music coming from the office…
– …but it was just the printer jammin’

I was standing in a library
– And a black dude walks up to me and asked if i knew where the colored printer was. I told him “dude, it’s almost 2018, use any printer you want.”

I used to have a talking laser printer!
– But I got rid of it, I didn’t like it’s toner voice.

How do you make a 4D printer?
– Just take a 3D printer and give it some time.

This printer is now called Bob Marley, because it’s always jammin’

How do you make a 4D printer?
– Just take a 3D printer and give it some time.

“Dad, I’m a 3D printer.”
– “Shut up and close the toilet door!”

I left my muffin on my desk at work while I went to the printer
– When I came back it was scone

My colleague was fired for stealing printer cartridges
– He was caught magenta handed.

Bit surprised by the free printer I got with my new computer.
– He’s called Arthur and he’s worked in newspapers for 14 years.

What’s the difference between a step stool and a 3D printer?
– The former is a ladder and the latter is a former.

What did Cinderella say when her office printer malfunctioned?
– “Don’t worry. I know someday my prints will appear!”

A man walked into a copy shop, and requested that they print a book for him with pages 30 feet long and 1 foot wide.
– Printer: “Why do you need pages that long?”

– Man: “Well, it’s a long story.”

Jack: Seriously Edith, your excuses are lame. It’s clear that you are only trying to make people think you are special.
– Edit: That’s stupid, Jack. I removed the H from my name coz it saves ink in my printer.

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