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Printer jokes 🖨️ in 2025

“Why is there music coming out of your printer?”
– “That will be the paper jamming again!”

How do you turn a three-dimensional printer into a four-dimensional printer?
– Just give it time

What did Snow White say when the printer jammed?
– Someday my prints will come!!

Why do we call the office printer Bob Marley?
– Cause it’s always Jammin’

I named my printer Bob Marley…
– Because it’s always jammin’…

Why did the pig farmer finally decide to auction off his printer?
– The high cost of the oink proved too much for him.

New user: “How come my new printer doesn’t work in Linux?” Linus: “You need the right driver.”
– “My chauffeur’s outside.”

Customer: What will my printer warranty cover?
– Sales Representative: Your mouse pad.

My colleague was fired for stealing printer cartridges
– He was caught magenta handed.

It’s not a big deal that people are now printing guns using 3D printers
– I have had a Canon printer for years.

My coworker was changing the ink cartridge on our printer…
Me: Have you been going to the gym?

– Him: Yeah, actually! Why?

– Me: Because you look…toner.

– Him: God damn it.

What did the printer say when it ran out of paper?
– Oh sheet

So I bought a pocket printer.
– So happy I can finally print my own pockets.

Friend showed me his new, very expensive 3D printer. Apparently it can print anything.
– I’ve asked him to print me a 3D printer.

So I was at the Library today
– .. And a black Gentleman came over to me and asked where the coloured printer was. I replied “Man its 2016 you can use any printer!”

She: Why is your shirt smudged with ink blots?

– He: I refilled a printer cartridge at work today.

– Octopus under their bed: *whispers* Tell her about us, you chicken.

I tried to connect my Raspberry Pi to my printer….
– But the printer always jams!

Did you hear about the solitary T shirt printer?
– He’s going to dye alone

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