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Potato Jokes ๐Ÿฅ” in 2025

What do you call a monkey that sells chips?
-A Chipmunk.

I met a girl that owned three french-fry factories.
– I was impressed, but to her, it was just small potatoes.

What do you get after a potato rainstorm?
– Spuddles.

Why did the sea monster eat twelve boats carrying sacks of potatoes?
-Because nobody can eat just one potato ship.

What do you call a chip with glasses?
-A spec-tater.

Why does everyone love cooking with potatoes?
-Theyโ€™re very a-peeling.

I love cooking with potatoes.
– I find them very a-peeling.

What do you call a chip that makes fun of you?
-A tater-taunt.

What do you call a potato that gets things done?
-A facilitate.

What do you call a skateboarding potato that’s careful with money?
-A Chipskate.

Why shouldnโ€™t you give a zombie mashed potatoes?
– Because theyโ€™re already a little grave-y.

Did you hear about the potato that got its head chopped off?
-It was decap-potatoed.

What do you call a spud that always keeps its cool?
-A medi-tater.

What do you call a lazy spud?
-A couch potato.

Why didnโ€™t the potato want his daughter to marry the news reporter?
-Because he was a commen-tater.

I took my jacket potato to the dentist yesterday.
-It needed a filling.

How do you know a potato is in a bad mood?
-When theyโ€™re acting salty.

Mr. Potato Headโ€™s wife is upset.
-She claims he wonโ€™t tater anywhere.

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