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Popsicle Jokes in 2024

What do you call a sleeping cow?
-A bulldozer

What does a tree do when it’s ready to go home?
-It leaves

What does a boat do when it’s sick?
-It goes to the dock

What animal has the best sense of time?
-A watchdog

What did the diamonds name their baby?

Where do dogs hate to shop?
-At the flea market

Why can’t a nose be 12 inches long?
-Because then it would be a foot

How do you make a milkshake?
-Take a cow to a horror movie

What was a trick that the load of bread taught the dog?
-Roll over

What did Sheila say after cheering at the Kentucky Derby?
-My voice is hoarse

What did the hot dogs name their kid?

What did the mother bear say to her cub?
-Don’t go out in your bear feet

Why was the lamp flunking his class?
-He wasn’t very bright

What kind of music sticks with you?
-Taped music

What has a hundred ears but cannot hear?

How did Jane mend the farmer’s pants?
-With cabbage patches

What’s the best side of the house to put the porch on?
-The outside

What kind of bird writes letters?
-A pen-quin

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