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Pokemon Jokes ⚡ in 2025

Why can’t you blindfold a Pokémon?
– Because it’s going to Pikachu!

What do you call a Pokémon who can’t move very fast?
– A Slow-poke.

Why should you never get undressed in front of a Pokemon?
-They might Pikachu

My Pikachu misses me a lot,
– My Pikachu misses me a lot,

What do you say to a weird-looking Pokemon that just knocked a drink out of your hand?
-“Jynx, you owe me a soda.”

What Pokémon do people see in auctions?

Why shouldn’t you do drugs?
-Weedle make you high.

My friend wanted to catch a Pokémon,
-but not before they took azelf-ie.

What are Mathew McConauheys favorite pokemon?
-Rhydon… Rrydon… Rryddoooonn!

What does one Geodude say to the other Geodude?
-Let’s rock!

What TV show about dancing do Pokémon love?
– Dancing with the Staryus.

What do you call a low, round Pokémon?

What did Charizard say when he saw Pikachu

What’s Wailmer’s favorite TV show?
-Whale of Fortune.

What Pokémon only drinks Hydrogen Peroxide?

Roses are red, violets are blue.
-If you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.

What do you tell a stressed-out Pokémon?
-“Kakuna Rattata!”

I heard Pokemon can get drunk too.
-They just Electabuzz.

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