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Pokemon Jokes ⚡ in 2025

What does an electric-type Pokémon say when they get gassy while drinking milk?
-I’m Zaptos intolerant!.

I wish you were the ground and I was a Diglett.
-Then I could be inside of you.

What is the difference between Snorlax and a pillow?
-One sleeps a lot and the other gets slept on a lot!

I hate long plants.
-They make me Ivysaur.

Wanna go Pokemon hunting tonight?
– Because I wanna catch a pikachu (peek-at-chu)!

Where did Brock take Nurse Joy for a date?
-The PokeBall.

Why was Hypno so energetic?
-He wasn’t Drowzee anymore.

The doctor’s office blocked my number after I kept calling about Pokemon.
-I don’t know what they’re talking about, but I need someone to take a look at this bulbous sore I have.

What is the best pokemon?
– Paras

You must be a Charmander.
-Because you’re making me hot.

Pikachu evolves into Raichu, what does a lame joke evolves into?

What type of Pokémon are Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Elvis be?
-Legendary Pokémon.

What appears over Ash’s head when he gets an idea?
– A LightBulbasaur.

How do dragon-type Pokemon solve their disputes?
-They let bagons be bagons.

How do Pokemon Trainers party?
– They throw a Poke-Ball.

Are you a Hitmonlee?
-Because your body is kickin’.

I always wondered why Pikachu’s electric shock blasts off team rocket but not Ash.
-I guess Ash is just better grounded

What’s the name of the Pokémon that traveled with Dorothy to Oz?

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