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Plumber jokes 🚽👨‍🔧 in 2025

When the plumbers faced off in a competition, the announcer exclaimed,
– “Something is about to go down over here!”

What happens when Chuck Norris becomes a plumber?
– The toilet fixes itself!

What’s the difference between a doctor and a plumber?
– A doctor washes his hands after he has gone to the toilet, but a plumber washes his hands before.

How does a plumber capture his enemies?
– He used the p-trap to capture the enemies!

Whenever a plumber visits a house where he has to take off his shoes, he starts to unclog!

How does one differentiate between a plumber and a chemist?
– You can simply request them to pronounce ‘unionized’!

Did you hear about the Jedi who gave up all his training to become a plumber?
– He went over to the Darkside of the faucet.

Why shouldn’t you play poker with a plumber?
– A good flush beats a full house every time

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