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Plumber jokes 🚽👨‍🔧 in 2025

What was the reason for the shoe showroom calling the plumber?
– They had found a clog in their drain!

How are doctors and plumbers alike?
– They both bury their mistakes.

How does a plumber break the ice?
– Butt crack a joke.

Why are plumbers addicted to tobacco?
– Perhaps, because they have an easy supply of pipes!

After many tries, I finally called the plumber to replace my faucet because I couldn’t get a handle on it!

Why do programmers hate plumbers?
– Because they always promise to get a sync but never do!

Why do Scottish men never call a plumber?
– Because they are pipers themselves.

Why are plumbers so bad at submission moves?
– Because they are good at making the tap!

The plumber was called by the local authorities to fix the road damaged by the flush floods!

What is the one bad habit that a plumber will never have?
– He will never ever bite his nails!

What do plumbers, garbagemen, and economists all have in common?
– They all deal with gross domestic product.

What’s the one things you’ll never see a plumber do?
– Bite his nails.

Why was the plumber not liked by his neighbors?
– Because he had a reputation of being a potty-mouth!

The plumbers were protesting for better pay. One of their slogans read,
– “If it weren’t for us, you all would have nowhere to go!”

What do plumbers use to store their data in?
– They use the USB Flush Drive!

Why did the plumber fall asleep on the job?
– His work was draining.

Who turns his head before crying?
– Tap!

Why was the wrestler so good at plumbing?
– He was known for dropping pipe bombs!

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