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Plumber jokes 🚽👨‍🔧 in 2025

What do you call a room full of cynical plumbers?
– A skeptic tank.

How can you tell the difference between a plumber and a chemist?
– Ask them to say the word unionized.

Why would the plumber always insist on fitting new toilets personally?
– Because he always wanted to go where nobody else has ever gone before.

I had once called an Italian plumber named Mario. Instead of fixing things,
– he jumped on my turtles and ate all my mushrooms!

Why did the man stop himself from becoming a full-time plumber?
– Because he did not have the courage to take the plunge!

Do you know how a body builder and a plumber are both alike?
– They both love pumping iron.

What kind of stalls would plumbers open at a fair?
– They would always open shower stalls!

When the underdog won the competition to determine the best plumber,
– it came as a massive shock to the cistern!

What’s the one thing professional poker players and plumbers can agree on?
– A royal flush is better than a full house.

What do Doctors and Plumbers have in common?
– They both bury their mistakes.

Why does the United Kingdom need so many plumbers?
– This is because they are surrounded by water!

When the plumber had an argument with the lady regarding the sewage works of the client’s house, the plumber angrily exclaimed,
– “I am going to sewer, I am!”

How did everyone know about the misfortunes of the plumber?
– Well, the news had leaked out!

A plumber was called in to fix a leaky pipe in the library toilet.
– As he worked, he made too much noise, so the librarian asked him to pipe down.

I feel bad for plumbers who install those fancy water heaters that hang on the wall.
– It’s a tankless job.

How can one tell the difference between a seamstress and a plumber?
– We just need to ask them how to pronounce the word ‘sewer’!

Whenever a plumber comes to my house, I can tell they are there before they knock on the doors.
– This is because they have a bell mouth!

What did the plumber say to the all the people living in the hotel when the pipes burst?
– “Listen up, this is not a drill!”

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