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Plumber jokes 🚽👨‍🔧 in 2025

What do you call when all the plumbers come together to have an impromptu dance?
– You call it the flush mob!

Why’d the plumber retire early?
– He was flushed with success.

How many plumbers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
– One to get the beer and one to call the electrician.

Why did the three plumbers walk into a restaurant?
– This was because there was a hazard sign!

When the basement flooded and we called the plumber, he curtly said that he couldn’t come, but he had put us on the wading list!

What is the favorite vegetable that plumbers like to grow in their garden?
– Leeks!

How many plumbers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
– Two. One to get the beer and one to call the electrician.

As the plumber left my house I saw something fall out of his back packet. I walked over and saw that it was a bag of drugs.
– But I didn’t bend down to get it, because I didn’t want plumber’s crack

What can make an atheist believe in God?
– Finding a plumber on a Sunday to fix the plumbing of the full house!

Why was the plumber irritated with the client?
– Because the client was throwing all his ideas down the drain!

What is the similarity between a plumber and an espresso machine?
– They both know how to drain.

Why are plumbers great at poker?
– They often get a flush!

Did you hear about the miracle of the blind plumber?
– He pick up a hammer and saw.

Why are plumbers so good at being friends with the pipes?
– Because they are electrically bonded!

The plumber was seriously injured when he took part in the war.
– Upon further inspection, the doctor said that it was just a flush wound!

What do plumbers have up their sleeves in their elbows?
– They have sleeve joints!

What do plumbers have when they fall asleep?
– Pipe dreams.

What’s the main difference between an electrician and a plumber?
– An electrician washes his hands AFTER he has gone potty, but a plumber washes his hands BEFORE he goes potty.

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