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Plant jokes ☘️🌿🌵 in 2024

Put the petal to the metal.

How do trees get on Instagram?
– They log in.

Where did the plant want to travel?
– All clover the world!

What did the baby corn say to the mother corn?
– Where’s popcorn?

How does a flower whistle?
– By using its tulips.

Here’s hoping your day doesn’t suc.

One more thyme.

Why did the leaf go to the doctor?
– It was feeling green!

Can’t touch this!

What did the watermelon say to his crush?
– “You’re one in a melon!”

What do you call a sleepy rainforest?
– Pajamazon!

She has a violet streak.

How did the tree ask out his crush?
– He said, “Wood you be mine?”

What plant should you watch out for?
– An ambush!

Why do trees hate riddles?
– They always get stumped!

Why did the cabbage win the race?
– Because it was ahead!

How did the flower get over the fight she had with her sister?
– She rose above it.

What did the succulent learn in math class?
– How to do square roots!

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