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Plant jokes ☘️🌿🌵 in 2025

What kind of plant pictures get the most likes on social media?
– Thirst traps.

Why are trees good at algebra?
– They can always find the root of the equation!

What kind of vegetable do you get when an elephant walks through your garden?
– Squash!

What do you do after you take a picture of a flower?
– You wait for it to photosynthesize.

What did the plant tell the DJ?
– “Turnip the volume!”

What did the plant say to her sister when she came home?
– “Long thyme no see.”

What did the bee say to the flower?
– Hello honey!

Why can’t you iron a four leaf clover?
– Because you shouldn’t press your luck!

You can poppy-n anytime!

You prickle my fancy!

He just needed a kick in the bud.

How do you send a message in a forest?
– Use moss code!

The gardener used to make loads of money from clearing lawns.
– She was raking it in!

What happens when a flower blushes?
– It turns rosy.

What would an MTV show about a plant be called?
– A Day in the Leaf.

How do you get a plant drunk?
– Thirst traps.

Why are trees so good at networking?
– They’re constantly branching out!

Why did the tomato blush?
– Because he saw the salad dressing!

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