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Planet jokes 🪐🌍🌑 in 2025

How does NASA organize a party?
– They plan-et.

Flat-Earthers hate the fact our planet is spherical, whereas Asgard is flat.
– It’s a Thor subject for them.

An alien’s report to finding a planet with 7.5 billion dead.
– “They’re all dead but their assess are spotless, sir.”

“Dad, why are there no jews on jupiter?”
– “Because its a gas planet son”

They say one out of every 5 people on the planet is Chinese.
– The thing is, there’s 5 people in my family. On of us must be Chinese.
I know it can’t be me. I’m pretty sure it’s not my mon or dad.
That leaves my brothers: Shawn, and Zhang Wei.

What do planets use to download music?
– Nep-tunes.

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