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Planet jokes 🪐🌍🌑 in 2025

There are 2 types of people on this planet
– Those who can extrapolate omitted data using existing data.

Scientists have finally figured out what happened to all the water that used be Mars
– Turns out, the planet was once occupied by Nestle

Do you know why astronomers named the planet “Saturn?”
– It just had a nice ring to it.

Saturn is a really catchy name for a planet.
– It has a ring to it.

Why does the Sun go to school?
– To get brighter!

Somebody asked me to sign his petition to save the planet
– It was to reinstate Pluto.

Three “facts” school taught me that turned out to be false
– 1. Pluto is a planet
2. You won’t always have a calculator in your pocket
3. Girls don’t like having their hair pulled

How does NASA throw a holiday party?
– They planet.

Aliens come to earth…
– They meet with all the world leaders. Eventually it’s the Pope’s turn to chat to them. He asks the one alien, Greetings alien, what do you think of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?
The alien exclaims, Ah, JC! He’s my boy! We have a massive party when he visits us once a year!
He visits you once a year? The Pope asks in astonishment. He hasn’t been to earth in more than two millennia! How did you manage that?!
Well, when he first came to our planet we gave him a box of our finest chocolates. What did you guys do?

What day does Venus like?

What did the meteor say to the planet?
– Lemme smash

Did you Know that all the planets are named after Roman gods?
– Except the Earth, the Earth is named after the stuff on the ground.

-from a great source for stupid jokes the Norm McDonald Show.

Alien 1: The dominant life form on planet earth have developed satellite based nuclear weapons.
– Alien 2: Are they an emerging intelligence?

Alien 1: I don’t think so, they have them aimed at themselves.

Why won’t Pluto throw a birthday party?
– It can’t even planet

What did the IKEA dresser say to the aliens after landing on their planet?
– I come in pieces.

Why do Reddit astrologers not try to divine humor from the movement of planets?
– Because the real joke is in the comets!

What’s a gay man’s favorite planet?
– Earth, most likely. Unless he’s personally interested in space exploration, in which case he might say Mars.

How do you organise a party in space?
– “You planet”

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