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Planet jokes 🪐🌍🌑 in 2025

I called Serena Williams. I said, “Serena, what’s your favorite planet?”
– She said, “It’s Venus.”

Me: I’m sorry Venus. Could you put Serena on the phone?

Jupiter heard from Neptune that Pluto was pregnant.
– Jupiter said to Pluto “Congratulations! I was surprised to hear that you’re expecting!”

To which Pluto replied “Thanks. Yeah, I definitely didn’t planet!”

There must be another planet somewhere with worms.
– Otherwise why would we call ours Earth worms

What did earth tell the other planets?
– Get a life!

What do you call an undiscovered planet?
– I don’t know… It doesn’t have a name yet.

You can be the most beautiful woman on the planet but if you can’t cook
– don’t worry I can

What is Hitlers least favourite planet
– Jewpiter

How do astronauts make sure their mission goes smoothly?
– They planet.

Why can’t Superman attend the Daily Planet meeting?
– Because Clark Can’t.

Scientists have discovered a planet populated entirely by robots.
– They call it Mars.

How do astronomers organize a party?
– **They planet.**

On October 31st, we will have a full moon, and the 7th planet from the sun will be its brightest…
– So when someone sees the moon that day, they will likely see Uranus too…

Why is Uranus so big?
– Because you discovered it

What do you call an orgy between planets?
– The Big Bang.

Steve jobs and Bill Gates colonize Mars. What do they call the planet?
– Planet of the Apps.

So aliens flew by our planet recently and one asked the other…
– Alien 1 How advanced is that civilization?

Alien 2 They have discovered nuclear technology.

Alien 1 Oh boy… That’s pretty intelligent. We better keep our distance then from their missles.

Alien 2 Nah, they’re not that smart yet. They have em pointed at themselves.

What do vegan black holes say?
– “I’m on a strictly planet based diet”

There are 2 types of people on this planet
– Those who can extrapolate omitted data using existing data.

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